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KazakhGrammar0 to A1 CourseDative Case

Dative Case[redaktə | mənbəni redaktə et]

The Kazakh dative case is used to indicate indirect objects and prepositional phrases. In this lesson, you will learn how to use the dative case and its endings.

Dative Case Endings[redaktə | mənbəni redaktə et]

The dative case endings for Kazakh are:

Kazakh Pronunciation North Azerbaijani
ағын/-ге ağın/-ge به‌هر نەرسه‌یه‌کی
қарсы/-қа qarsı/-qa به‌هر نەرسه‌یه‌کی
қолда/-да kolda/-da به‌هر نەرسه‌یه‌کی
өзі/-ге özi/-ge به‌هر نەرسه‌یه‌کی
сияқты/-ға siyaqtı/-ğa به‌هر نەرسه‌یه‌کی
туралы/-ға turalı/-ğa به‌هر نەرسه‌یه‌کی

Indirect Objects[redaktə | mənbəni redaktə et]

The dative case is used to indicate indirect objects. In Kazakh, the indirect object usually comes after the direct object. For example:

  • Мен әкеңге қалам беремін. (Men äkeñge qalam beremin) - I will give a pen to my father.
  • Сенің досыңа телефон қою керек. (Seniñ dosyña telefon qoyu kerek) - You need to put the phone for your friend.

In these examples, "әкең" (äkeñ) and "досың" (dosyñ) are in the dative case because they are the indirect objects.

Prepositional Phrases[redaktə | mənbəni redaktə et]

The dative case is also used in prepositional phrases, such as "with", "by", "from", "to", and "for". Here are some examples:

  • Аяқ төбесінің жағында. (Ayaq töbesiniñ jağında) - By the foot of the mountain.
  • Біз өзімізге қарсы. (Biz özimizge qarsı) - Against ourselves.
  • Сіздерге қарсы. (Sizderge qarsı) - Against you.

In these examples, the words "жағында" (jağında), "өзімізге" (özimizge), and "сіздерге" (sizderge) are in the dative case.

Practice[redaktə | mənbəni redaktə et]

Translate the following sentences into Kazakh using the dative case:

  1. I will buy a book for my friend.
  2. The teacher gave a pencil to the student.
  3. We are going to the city with our parents.
  4. The cat is sitting on the chair next to the window.
  5. He is coming from the park with his dog.


 <summary>Click to see answers</summary>
 1. Мен досыма кітап сатып аладым. (Men dosıma kitap satıp aladım)
 2. Мұғалім оқушыға қарындағы түгел берді. (Muğalim oqushığa qaryndağı tügel berdi)
 3. Біз шехерге ата-анамызбен баратындай. (Biz sheherge ata-anamızben baratınday)
 4. Мысық стулға терезенің жағында отырады. (Mısıq stulğa terezeniñ jağında otıradı)
 5. Ол парктан өзінің итімен келеді. (Ol parktan öziniñ itimen keledi)


Congratulations! You have completed the lesson on the dative case in Kazakh.

0-dan A1-e qadar - Kazaxçı Kursu - Mövzular cədvəli[mənbəni redaktə et]

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